I can’t believe that I am actually 30 weeks pregnant. I have been in the third trimester for 2 weeks now and have barely thought about it compared to when I followed each and every week in detail in my first pregnancy.
Besides a cold, I have been feeling fairly well but getting increasingly tired. Baby is on the move much more and now I can feel the distinctive movements of an elbow here and a foot there. There are so many familiar feelings but yet so many new ones. It really is different this time and as I write this and look down at my bump moving I have realised that my linea nigra never appeared. Last time it was quite dark by now, it didn’t bother me then but now I am quite glad that I don’t have one as it took a long time to fade after birth. It was also an odd look in a bikini.
If you have read my previous post you will know that we had another scan to check whether the baby is growing as he should be. When I saw my midwife at my 28 week appointment she measured me and according to her I was measuring 3 weeks smaller than I should have been. So we were referred for a growth scan and had to wait just under 2 weeks for a slot. We weren’t overly concerned but it was a doubt at the back of our minds that needed settling. The scan went really well and the sonographer was happy with all of the readings she took, then the midwife plotted his size on the growth chart and he was well within the margins, compared to Beastie was well above the margin. So we are happy that we have seen him again and that we have had the reassurance of another scan with more accurate measurements than that of a tape measure.
Whilst we were talking to our midwife after the scan she noticed some paperwork missing and it transpired that because of this my consultant appointment had slipped through the net. We have been waiting for an appointment since 28 weeks so it explained why we hadn’t heard regarding this. The hospital made me an appointment to see a consultant midwife to discuss and promote having a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) but neglected to actually inform me, resulting in a phone call on the day to ask where I was. They offered me another appointment which I was unable to attend and in the end it got left. In actual fact I wasn’t bothered as I didn’t see the point when ultimately I want to speak to the consultant. Apparently it’s part of their process however to book you in with the designated midwife for a discussion beforehand. So better late then never, we have an appointment with the midwife followed by an appointment with the consultant 2 weeks later. In a couple of weeks we will have spoken to all parties and know what the plan will be, hopefully…
The countdown towards my maternity leave has finally started. Depending on how I feel, I have about 4 weeks left at the least and I am very much looking forward to having some time off before the baby arrives. Financially it would be better if I could keep going for longer but physically I find it too demanding. I have a colleague who plans to work until she is 37 weeks pregnant and I think it’s madness but entirely her choice, I know. I had too long off with Beastie, about 6-7 weeks in total after his late arrival and I was climbing the walls. I do however think that in the long run it helped me prepare and relax for after the birth. Being tired beforehand is only going to take all of your energy reserves for when the baby arrives. This time around though I have Beastie to keep me busy on non nursery days and hopefully the wait won’t be as long. I have a list of jobs that I plan to get cracking with once I have a few days to myself. A bit of painting, wardrobe and cupboard sorting and generally making sure we have everything in place for the baby’s arrival. I love nesting. Who knows I may even treat myself to some time out to read a book for a change and saviour a whole cup of tea.
I am glad the scan went well. My linea nigra didn’t appear until after Mads was born which was weird and it took ages to go. I can’t believe how little time you have got left- time goes far too quickly! x
That was weird it appeared after she was born, never heard of that. Maybe that will happen to me too! xx
I’m glad all went well with your scan & you got to see Baby Beastie again. I didn’t have a linea nigra with Sam & Hanna but did with Jack, although only very feint, weird.
Not long now until you finish work…bet you can’t wait! I know I was bored stiff when I was expecting Jack after his due date..if only we’d known each other then we could’ve spent the days tweeting while we waited!
Make sure you get that book & read it….I used to do brain training on the DS whilst waiting & don’t think I’ve picked it up since the day that Jack was born!
I will definitely treat myself to reading one book! then I get the bug again….Ha ha so we need to keep our brains active! xx
Good to hear that the growth scan went well; it doesn’t surprise me that paperwork slipped through the net though!
I’m planning on working to my due date this time. I’m at 27 weeks and still plenty of energy for work. I’m sure I’ll regret it closer to the time though but i have the advantage of working alongside my husband so I know he’ll be there. Also I found it lonely in the few weeks before the birth last time.
Like you, I’ve been lifting out books in the hope that I will have some time to myself!
As I said on twitter I’m glad the scan went well for you. So lovely to catch up on your progress (I need to write a long overdue update now I’m back home) – I love reading your updates as I’m only a week behind you. I didn’t have a linea nigra with MC and, so far, I haven’t got one with this one either. I’ve got my consultant appointment at 34 weeks to discuss CS/VBAC – still undecided what’s going to happen. Look forward to hearing how you get on hun.