Since becoming a Mum the luxury items in my life are to say the least, few and far between now. I have had many phases throughout my life but I used to be very particular about what I wore and more importantly what designer label was adorned to them. My fixation with Diesel jeans has petered out throughout the years and although I do still have a newish pair, the last I remembered I had to shoehorn myself into them. Of course now I am pregnant, I can forget about them altogether. This is not to say they won’t be resurrected post baby. Obviously after I have found myself a personal trainer.
There will always be a discussion about what your handbag says about you but what about your purse? It can be somewhat confusing as the two can be confused as the same, we could use the more manly term of a wallet? It’s the same difference to me but in actual fact my preferred style is the long style wallet type ones, they hold much more and tend not to pop open like smaller ones. I love my handbags but my purse is extremely important to me, heaven forbid I should lose it or have it stolen. Besides the obvious inconvenience of losing cash, (a rarity in my case) bank cards and membership cards, it’s the fact purses are so very personal to you. They also migrate from each bag, be it your work bag, changing bag or everyday bag.

Some aspects about me will never change though. I will always like good/expensive shoes, sunglasses, handbags and staple purses. I like a purse that will last me a fair while and for that reason I usually spend a fair amount of time pondering over the right design and look that is suitable for me. It has to have the right lining and clasps too. A touch fussy? no not me. I might be stood at a till dressed head to toe in Primark’s finest but I hold a little bit of luxury in my hand when I take out my purse to pay for an item or two.
A scruffy, disorganised purse can say a lot about a person. A full to bursting purse full of coins, notes, cards and receipts might indicate that someone is careless with their finances and that appearance doesn’t matter to them on the whole. I wouldn’t say I have my life organised to a tee, far from it in fact, but the small things like keeping my purse in check make the difference to me. My husband has a multitude of receipts rammed into his wallet and can he ever find anything? no wonder he often leaves it at home a lot, it most probably weighs him down.
I have given my purse an overhaul for the new year and de cluttered it of all useless cards and pieces of paper tucked into various slots. If your purse has been neglected for a while my top tip is to give it some attention. My credit cards might not be so empty but my purse is certainly more pleasing to the eye…
Nb. This is a sponsored post but all views about purses are entirely my own!
I beg to differ….my purse is so rammed full that I can’t do it up….but I’m pretty good with my finances…I’m just a bit of a hoarder where receipts are concerned…if I throw one away I can guarantee that I will need it…so I just keep them all!
Ah I thought you might have been one of them! ha ha. What are the chances of you finding said receipt in your purse though when need it? it is probably all tattered! x