Extra care for our furry friends

How to choose the best pet insurance

It can be extremely distressing for the whole family when a beloved pet falls ill or has an accident. Regardless of whether your household companion is a dog, a cat or something more unusual you shouldn’t underestimate just how important it is to be covered by a good insurance policy.

Choosing the right policy is crucial if you want to ensure that any unexpected vets bills are covered and it’s something that more and more of us are taking out.

Pet insurance is no different from house contents or car insurance, there are a plethora of ones to choose from and it can be daunting trying to find the right one for you. Buying any type of insurance is a chore that most of us dread so here are a few key things to look out for.

Accident only

If you’re confident in your pet’s ability not to fall ill or if you are working to a very limited budget taking out an ‘accident only’ policy will still give you some peace of mind. Your pet will be covered for any accidents that they might suffer and some illnesses occurring from them but they will not be covered for any treatments for illnesses otherwise. Many of these policies are extremely affordable but you can find cheap pet insurance from More Than on a range of different policies.

Comprehensive cover

A full comprehensive policy will give you peace of mind that your animal is covered for both illnesses and accidents. Many pets suffer from ongoing conditions such as arthritis which can be painful for your pet but also expensive to treat – read more about this condition here.

Top level policies will include cover for some ongoing treatments for the rest of your pet’s life, taking the burden off your finances.

As with a full policy, a basic pet insurance policy will offer you cover for your pet for both illnesses and accidents. However, be aware that there will be a much lower limit set for vets fees for each new condition that is treated. There may also be a time limit on how long each condition is covered for.


Always check if the policy has any age restrictions. Upper age limits for dogs are set by some insurance companies at as low as five years – depending on the breed. When you take into consideration that the average lifespan for a dog can be ten years it’s worth taking the time to read through the policy wording carefully and ensure you’re not being excluded from vital cover.