I have been on maternity leave a few weeks now and I must say I have settled into it very nicely. I don’t feel like I am just on holiday and will have to return to work soon. I have actually walked out of work and not looked back. The thought of being there now, horrendously busy leaves me with a uneasy feeling. My colleagues may be sweet by saying that they miss me but I can honestly say I don’t feel the same at the moment, give it some time maybe but not at the moment. I guess it’s always harder being the ones left behind than the ones leaving, so for now I won’t waste time feeling guilty about it!
For anyone that read my post about Tears over nursery and new times ahead you will be pleased to know that all seems to have fallen into place fairly well since I wrote that. After getting my arse into gear contacting the pre-school, they then notified me that they did indeed have a place for Beastie and it’s now arranged for him to attend for three afternoons a week after Easter. I have also broken the news to his existing nursery that he will be leaving and they have been extremely supportive, with the manager even sorting out a refund of fees for me.
On Tuesday I had a meeting with Beastie’s link worker who wanted to fill me in on his progress and I was quite touched by what she had to say about him. She showed me his artwork and seemed so genuinely proud of the little boy he has grown into, she really thinks he has a flair with art and is extremely dexterous with his hands for his age. She even welled up when I talked about him leaving and I realise it must be quite difficult seeing children come and go, especially when you have seen them develop from 10 months of age. She showed me pictures of when he first started and he looked like such a little baby compared to the boy he is now. Unfortunately due to the circumstances running up to the birth of the baby, next week will be his last official week at the nursery. His days were prematurely cut short but there seemed no point taking him out of that environment for him to only return for a few days before leaving for good. He will have lots going on soon with a new baby brother and my parents will also be over from Spain for the birth and they are so excited to spend some time with him. I think there will be so much going on that he won’t notice leaving nursery so much.
So although I already knew that he loves drawing and painting it has made me want to encourage his talent all the more. I am hoping that he going to be naturally gifted as we have a lot of arty people on both sides of the family, so the odds are stacked in his favour. I am terrible at art but I would love to see my little boy do so well, it is one talent I would have loved to have been blessed with.
This week has really opened up my eyes to how much my little boy has grown up and although there isn’t much time left until we are a family of four and I am a Mum of two, I know that I must treasure these last couple of weeks. I have loved our days just the two of us and I know a small part of me is a bit scared about that changing, a bit scared about having to share my love and attention. He won’t be my single number one priority anymore and I hope that he understands. I hope he sees how amazing it is going to be being a big brother and how much richer our lives will be with our new addition arriving soon. He doesn’t truly understand what it means yet and I if I’m honest I am really not sure what is in store for us all but all I do know is I am very excited about our new times ahead.
Ahhh, I think it’s natural to be a bit scared about how a new addition will rock the boat. But even if things are a bit rocky at first they’ll settle down and I’m sure Beastie will settle into his new preschool, and his new role as big brother brilliantly.
As for how you cope with splitting your love and attention; let me know how you get on with that because I’m already worrying about that! 😉 x
Yes you will have all these feelings as well, very soon! I shall let you know! x
ahhh, I almost welled up at the end there! If you had posted this last week I would’ve been blubbing without a doubt! Beastie is going to be an ace big brother…he can share all his mouse drawing skills with baby beastie. And that sharing of love thing…don’t worry…before long you won’t even be able to remember having just one child, he will slot right in.
Oh & loving your new picnikking skills!
You’re not on the edge this week? phew…can’t have you blubbing all over your keyboard. Ah that’s good to hear about sharing the love, you softie! x
Oh yes cherish all those things in the next few weeks. Things to do are snuggle afternoons with a DVD, a cinema trip, swimming, baking and anything that might be tricky with more than one! I think he is a very talented artist…Noah can only just draw a circle! x
We haven’t done any DVD afternoons so I think we shall we squeezing one or two in…It’s just so cute watching him draw, they change so quickly! x
Aw I am like Helen, I nearly welled up at the end too. I am sure it is quite daunting having a new addition on the horizon, and I am sure at times it may be a little strange for Beastie, but soon he will love being a big brother. And what a lovely family of four you are going to make. Try and relax and enjoy your last couple of weeks of a Mummy of just one. xxxxxx
Another softie! he he. It will be a massive learning curve I know but then life never stays the same does it. I shall do my best to relax these last 2 weeks 🙂 xxx
I am 29 weeks pregnant with my second and feel the same way about making the most of the last weeks before everything changes. It’s hard to know how they will react to the new little one but hopefully Beastie will just fall in love with his new baby brother. 🙂
It definitely seems to be a natural reaction when pregnant again, it’s all new again isn’t it. I can’t wait to see them together, I expect you are the same 🙂 x
Its scary wondering how you can possibly love another the same as you do your first but you do! Its a bit noisier, busier and messier with two but great fun. Love his art work…its better than Poppys already and she is 3 1/2. Big hugs and enjoy every minute of the next few days/weeks xx
I expect you are having similar feelings with your 3rd on the way? but I suppose you already know your love stretches! I am trying to slow down now and actually rest but I find it so hard, I like to be busy and have endless things I can do xx