In months I am 6 months pregnant today. Or my ‘V’ day as some people would call it. I have heard the term quite a bit and it basically means that from 24 weeks your baby is termed viable. I remember reading all about this with Beastie, in books and on online forums. I tend not to look on forums so much these days although I have seen it referred to a lot on Babycentre. I was a regular on Babycentre in my first pregnancy and found it a great source of support, however this time I don’t feel the need to follow what everyone is up to and am very much aware of how these forums can make you a little paranoid and suck you in. I read my updates that come via my email but that is as far as I go these days, perhaps I should actually unsubscribe…Maybe it’s more for first time Mums, maybe it is for people wanting to feel part of a community, I am not sure but it’s not for me anymore. For that reason, although today is certainly a milestone, I won’t be celebrating like many of the ladies on there.
I still have a relatively compact bump, or so I am told, complete with a bruise when I walked into the latch on the bedroom door in the middle of the night, ouch! I woke up this morning to feel kicking movements to the left hand side of my bump and I have never felt that before so maybe he is lying across me at the moment. I am getting used to when he is more likely to be active and what triggers movement so I am relatively relaxed about how he is getting on and if it’s been a while I try not to worry myself, often if I am at work and busy, I won’t notice some movements anyway. As far as work goes, I am finding it suddenly a lot more tiring. I have just completed a month with just two days a week working, with one day as annual leave. That one day of annual leave was my long day, 12.5 hours and I have just started them again as of last Friday. I noticed that my feet were starting to hurt late afternoon and once I did get home I felt shattered. The next day I was so tired that I joined Beastie in his nap time. This has never ever happened and we slept for about 2 hours after which I felt terrible. I know I must have needed to catch up on some sleep but I felt nauseous for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I don’t have much option with changing my hours at work at the moment as I manage to stretch 30 hours over 3 days, with nursery closing times and other childcare we don’t have many options, bar cutting my hours, which also isn’t an option. Roll on maternity leave…
At the moment I am still waiting for my appointment date for when I am going to see my consultant about the birth. It should be between 28-32 weeks so it’s not long now and I will feel better once I have met them and discussed what my options are. Once I know my options I will talk about them on here and will probably ask for some advice!
I am also very pleased to be in the possession of two changing bags for my future adventures with two children. My lovely husband very kindly went to the recent Pink Lining sample sale in London for me. First of all our car wouldn’t start so he had to drive into London in his Mum’s little car, then it took him ages to find the place but when he did he bought me two bags. So now I have two very pretty bags (about time too) that I can alternate and flog to death. I am actually glad I was working otherwise the stress of not finding the sale would have been far too much to bear. Well done Daddy Beastie, you’re a star.
Aw how lovely of A to do that for you- what a sweetie! Did you get much of a discount off them? The bump is coming along nicely and what a lovely photo of Beastie. I also was a regular on forums in my pregnancy, although a different one to babycentre and I became a little obsessed with them so I think when I get pregnant again I will stay clear!
I love your festive makeover, what a cool idea! Especially the big bow at the side. Love reading your bump diary and you look really well. What a lovely, kind Husband you have too 🙂 xx