It’s been a while since I’ve written a post on how old our little girl is and although I don’t document everything, I thought that I’d write a few things down so that we can look back on what she was up to at this stage. Life is just so busy at the moment that I just know that it’s best to write things when I can and not have any set schedule.
So far I’ve been keeping up with our little photoshoots with the milestone cards but they are proving to be really frustrating to capture now. This was literally the only photo of many that I managed to capture of her holding the card before it became soggy and crumpled! The little minx.
Our little girl is fast growing up and it was only a few weeks ago that she finally mastered sitting unaided. She really was taking her time about it, much preferring to crawl and pull herself up against furniture, rather than sit. Then just like that, she was doing it and it made such a difference to her contentment. Finally she was able to sit and play with her toys, without toppling over and since fully gaining strength in her core, there is no stopping her now. She’s now busy trying to explore anything and everything that she can in her cheeky way.
A few weeks ago she really suffered with teething and we really don’t recall the boys suffering half as much, although it’s easy for memories such as these to be forgotten about with my foggy memory these days.
She now has her two bottom teeth and her two top ones cut through just before our holiday last week. The way that she curls her nose up when she grins looks even cuter now with two top teeth and in that week since they popped out they’ve grown so much. No more gummy smiles here.
Her separation anxiety has notched up a gear recently, which isn’t great with having to return to work in a couple of weeks. It’s also creeping up way too quickly and as ever, I’m not prepared and will simply just have to deal with it when the time comes. I’ve done it twice before and I know that the thought of returning to work is always much worse than the reality.
I always dread this special time ending, where we’re literally only ever within a few feet of each other at any given time. Even though there are many moments where it can drive me potty, there really is no other way I would rather it be. I’d carry my little sidekick on my back to work if I could!
So when she turns ten months old, it will have marked the end of an era with my maternity leave and family life will have changed a little. I will so dearly miss this little face when I’m at work.
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