Here we go again, one last time as we complete our family as a five! I’m 15 weeks pregnant today and have been plagued with illness since I fell pregnant. I had a regular cold that then turned into sinusitis and that lasted in total for about six weeks as I just couldn’t shift it. Combined with morning sickness, I really don’t think I have felt so ill for such a prolonged period of time before.
Finally though I’m feeling more like myself and the nausea is gradually subsiding. I can see the woods for the trees and Spring is on it’s way and I know some very exciting times are ahead of us.
I came across an old post of mine the other day from early 2013 where I had just stopped breastfeeding with Baby Beastie and how bittersweet it was. Back then I was pretty sure that we wouldn’t be having another. I hadn’t accepted that we wouldn’t (which is why we still have some baby bits in the loft) but I think in my heart of hearts I felt that we wouldn’t have another for reasons out of our control, such as our finances and living arrangements.
We decided that we both wanted to try for another due to our circumstances changing and here we are, expecting another beautiful blessing into our lives and we all couldn’t be happier.
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