What to Expect When Having Your Home Renovated

Home renovation can be incredibly exciting but it can also be quite daunting. Whether you’re updating a single room or transforming your entire home, you will be disrupting the flow of your home and making changes to a place that should always be your sanctuary. As long as you’re adequately prepared, however, the blow should be softened somewhat.

That’s exactly what we’re here to help you with today. We’ll be going through everything you should expect during a home renovation of any size. Because the last thing you want when there’s wallpaper everywhere and a hole in the ceiling!

It’ll Cost More Than You Think

One of the first things to brace yourself for is the cost. Home renovations often end up being more expensive than initially anticipated and while it is certainly possible to do it “on the cheap”, you’ll end up regretting it if you cut corners. Labour and material costs can quickly add up, and unforeseen problems like structural issues or outdated wiring can escalate expenses further. It’s always wise to set aside a contingency budget—typically 10-20% of the total cost—to cover unexpected expenses and ensure you account for everything that could possibly go wrong. Better to be safe than sorry, after all!

Prepare for Noise

Renovations are synonymous with noise and there’s not really any getting around that. From the sound of powerful wall chasers carving through masonry carving through masonry and wood to the clanging of hammers and the boombox covering it all up, the noise can be relentless. It can also permeate all rooms of the house, so you might feel as if there’s no escape from it. It’s important to prepare for this and, if possible, plan to spend some time away from the house or designate a quiet zone within your home where you can retreat. This will, more often than not, probably have to be the garden.

There Might Be Delays

Renovation projects are notorious for delays, even if you’re taking care of the lion’s share of the work yourself. The timeline from initial planning to project completion often extends longer than anticipated. Factors such as contractor availability, material shortages, and unforeseen complications can all contribute to delays. It’s essential to remain flexible and maintain open communication with your contractors. Speaking of which…

Vetting Your Contractors

Finally, if you decide you can’t quite trust your own DIY skills and choose to hire in help, remember that not all contractors are the same. It’s essential to thoroughly vet potential contractors to avoid falling victim to cowboy builders. Look for contractors with good reviews on sites like Checkatrade, ask for references, and verify their credentials, if possible. Don’t hesitate to ask detailed questions about their previous work and request to see examples either as a reliable contractor will always be proud to show off their work. A bad contractor, meanwhile, will be quick to shove their previous work under the carpet!

Nb. Collaborative post.