The sun is shining and it feels like spring has sprung, although we know that it definitely has not! Still, it always sends me into overdrive when it comes to organising and sorting through the house.
I don’t know about you, but when the weather brightens up, I find that I suddenly get the urge to get my house in order. So with this is mind, I thought I’d share what I’ve recently changed in my routines in the attempt to make my life easier.
I’ve been quite brutal with culling my clothes. After getting on board with the whole KonMari craze, it’s made me want to be much more minimalistic than I am and make better use of the space I have when it comes to storing the clothes that I do keep.
If you’re not yet familiar with Marie Kondo, then I highly recommend that you check out some of her ideas!
I honestly can’t believe that I’ve managed for this long without folding my clothes into neat little stacks in a row in our drawers. I first saw the technique on Marie Kondo’s show on Netflix and since then, haven’t looked back. I find that it’s very quick to fold the clothes once you know how and it creates so much more room in your drawers, plus you can see at a glance what you have.
My husband’s t-shirt drawers were always stuffed so full of his tops and it was getting ridiculous. I couldn’t get clean ones back in once washed and he was simply grabbing the same ones from the top every time. Now he can see at a glance what he has and now he has room for them all – just!
I still tend to hang a few things in my wardrobe but this method is really good for rolling up your jeans too. If you have a lot of drawer space then this is definitely a trick you should be maximising.
Until recently, I’ve only ever used the utility room to pile up our recycling waste, ready to go straight out to the bin. Often it piles up quite high for some time when the outdoors recycling bin in full to the brim. We’re pretty good at sorting out the recycling (well mainly me), but smaller things like yogurt pots were always getting thown in the general waste bin when they should go for recycling.
We had a dual bin a few years ago and I found it really handy to separate things in one place, while being neatly tucked away in a bin.
This Von Haus 60L 2 in 1 Recycling Bin fits in the gap perfectly at the end of the worktop and makes life so much easier for me. Not only is it more convenient when I’m cooking etc but it’s also encouraging the rest of my family to think about what they’re throwing away.
I have baskets and boxes in my bedroom to keep everything tidy in the drawers and now I have started to implement it in the kitchen too.
I found this brilliant cutlery divider in Lidl and it’s literally been the best thing I’ve bought in quite a while. It starts off much more compact when bought and then pulls out each side to reveal a couple of other compartments to maximise the width of the drawer. It was as if it was made to measure. This was super cheap too at £5.99.
Finally the cutlery is organised and with the addition of the top tray that slides from side to side, it means that I can now fit in everything without having to store utensils in the drawer below.
You can really make a difference by making some simple changes to how you store things. The result will be that you save time and make less work for yourself!
Nb. I was sent the Von Haus 2 in 1 Recycling Bin for the purpose of this review. All views and opinions remain entirely my own.
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