The older boy is Beastie! His spongebob shoes get lots of attention, bit different aren't they x Reply
They look like they are having a proper adventure. So cute. I love how Beastie is looking at the little one, like he's just checking on him. x Reply
Loved the pic yesterday and it's so cool now what you have done to it. Effect is great. What did you do? xxx Reply
I used the App Instagram on my phone, the original photo's were quite dark so it brightened them up, clever isn't it? x Ps We are not a million miles away so I am sure our boys can meet soon 🙂 Reply
Looks like one very determined little man with the buggy strap! Did he want it for his? You have v. cute boys! X Reply
I'm mesmerised by his shoes – two different faces. One is spongebob, if I'm not mistaken. Whatever they're doing, the concentration is terrific Reply
Peepo! Who is the older little boy? I love his shoes! x
The older boy is Beastie! His spongebob shoes get lots of attention, bit different aren't they x
ohh he has a Cow cup, that was My youngest favourite beaker 🙂
They look like they are having a proper adventure. So cute. I love how Beastie is looking at the little one, like he's just checking on him. x
My son on the right has 2 cow cups and he loves them too!
Oi small kid, this is my buggy!
Are they trying to pull the pushchair over?
Wow he has shot up! Who is little one? xx
Loved the pic yesterday and it's so cool now what you have done to it. Effect is great. What did you do? xxx
I know more like a 3 year old! The other little boy is Not Yet a Yummy Mummy's boy x
I used the App Instagram on my phone, the original photo's were quite dark so it brightened them up, clever isn't it? x
Ps We are not a million miles away so I am sure our boys can meet soon 🙂
lovely picture xx
Looks like important work is going on here 🙂
A junior tweet up! Love it! x
They look like their up to mischief hehe x
Looks like one very determined little man with the buggy strap! Did he want it for his? You have v. cute boys! X
"Give me that Buggy strap !!!
up to mischief?
Lovely photo 🙂
I'm mesmerised by his shoes – two different faces. One is spongebob, if I'm not mistaken. Whatever they're doing, the concentration is terrific
Aaahhh so cute. Looks like little Wills and Beastie both like getting up to mischief x
Look at the determination on his face!
Aw how cute- firm friends already! x
I would dearly love that x
Bless a mini tweet up! How fab xx