I know I don’t need to tell you why smoking is bad – we’ve all seen the shocking ads and the warning pictures on the packets. But anyway, that’s not what this post is about. I wanted to share some tried-and-tested methods to kick the habit once and for all, without any of the pressure or scaremongering that we see in the media!
So, let’s start the journey to a smoke-free life…
Find Your Kryptonite
Everyone has their own reason for lighting up a cigarette and getting to the root of this can make it easier for you to quit. Your daily routine can have a big impact here – maybe it’s the stress of your professional life, a social habit that you share with your friends, or perhaps you crave a cigarette after a few beers.
Once you’ve identified the thing that makes you reach for your pack of smokes, you can make steps to break out of that routine and give yourself a better chance of quitting for good.
NHS Treatments
You might not be aware that the NHS has quite a few treatments that are dedicated to helping smokers quit. This includes:
* Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) – provides low levels of nicotine that reduces unpleasant withdrawal effects when you stop smoking. These can be bought in pharmacies in the form of skin patches, gum and mouth spray.
* Champix – perhaps the most effective medication to stop smoking. It reduces nicotine cravings and also blocks the reinforcing effects of smoking.
* Zyban – helps to prevent addictive behaviour. You take two tablets a day (prescribed to you by your GP) for seven to nine weeks. To find out more about the options that are available to you, check out the NHS website that details their treatments to help you stop smoking once and for all.
To find out more about the options that are available to you, check out the NHS website that details their treatments to help you stop smoking once and for all.
Switch to E-Cigarettes
Many people find that e-cigarettes are a good alternative to smoking and help them to quit proper cigarettes for good. It’s not unusual to see people ‘vaping’ instead of smoking now and many smokers recently decided to try out VApril, using VIP electronic cigarettes in their attempt to quit.
With so many different flavours of e-liquid to choose from, you still have the action of smoking, without putting dangerous nicotine, tar and chemicals into your body. Best of all, passers-by get a nose-full of some sweet-smelling vapour instead of heavy smoke!
Also bear in mind that it’s becoming harder to smoke and vape, now that they even have vape detectors installed in some places – so it’s certainly time to think about the consequences of doing either.
If you think it’s time for you to give up smoking once and for all, there’s a way that you can quit for good. It’s all about finding the best method that works for you, so if one of these is unsuccessful, then don’t give up – try the next one. It’s not an easy journey, but you can do it!
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