How your love life can save you money

So there are many perks that come with being in a relationship. Assuming you’re in ‘love’, there’s obviously the love and companionship but besides the romance, there are actually financial benefits too. So if you ever needed another incentive to settle down, then this is a pretty good reason to throw yourself in the deep end. I know as a single person I was much more flagrant with money and certainly made purchases and decisions that perhaps were no the wisest ones. As a married person with children, I am now more frugal as a means of survival and because the bigger picture is not just about me anymore. I have dependants and crucially I have a financial confidant in the form of my husband! We may not be the best pairing when it comes to putting our finances in order *ahem* but we do make savings through our bills by being a couple. As we’re ‘growing up’ we’re getting better at saving money and one day we might be able to go on a jet setting holiday like all the single people seem to do (the ones that have money of course and can afford the single supplement!).

Take a look at this infographic comparing some daily livings costs…

How being in a relationship can save you money
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