March is always a busy time of the year for us now that we have the boys. Both of them share their birthdays in March and only ten days apart (and almost three years obviously). Once Christmas is done and dusted we start to think about what we will plan for the their birthdays (and how on earth we’ll find the money to fund it!). It’s always lots of fun but it can get pretty hectic too.
My youngest boys birthday was pretty low key, much like his brothers was at this age. It was all about some presents and then out for dinner in the early evening. Bigger celebrations will come as he gets a little older and I will blog about what his big brother got up to shortly. The bonus was that he got to experience a party and it made no difference to him that it wasn’t his own.
It’s hard to believe that he is now three and becoming more and more independent. He’s feisty and strong willed but at the same time is still very much my baby. These next few months before the newest baby makes an appearance will be very special indeed. I’m really hoping that the transition from the baby of the family to the middle child will be fairly smooth for my little man as this year he’ll be really growing up.
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