I’m actually writing this on time for once, 38 weeks exactly and I’m officially on countdown to the baby being born now. We received our date a couple of weeks ago so everything is in place for her arrival and I’m starting to realise that we need to get our act together.
Pretty much everything is sorted for her arrival but we still have bits and pieces to sort out like tidying rooms and clearing out unnecessary clutter. This is when it suddenly occurs to me that we haven’t much time at all and each day before she arrives is another day that can be put to good use.
A couple of days ago we decided to take an impromptu visit to a lavender field. I’ve always seen gorgeous photos of people posing in lavender fields but never thought before now to visit one.
A few months ago we found a local rapeseed field purely by luck, somebody posted a photo on Facebook and we enquired as to where it was. It was tucked away in the countryside far from view and required a little walk to get to but we feel we were lucky to stumble across it’s location.
Local lavender fields have appeared to be more elusive and if there are any locally to us then they are a well guarded secret! As it was a beautiful day and we were pretty much at a loose end, we decided that travelling further afield wouldn’t be a problem and we’d make a little trip of it.
We ended up visiting the Hitchin Lavender farm which is just past Luton. It was actually a lovely setting for a family day out and it was a bonus to be able to pick some sunflowers to take home along with as much lavender as we wanted.
I knew beforehand that there would be bees amongst the lavender but I hadn’t really thought too much about how many bees would actually be there. The lavender was laid out in rows and people were walking up the rows to collect the lavender, however the rows were narrow and you had to brush through the lavender to walk up the field. Elliot was stung for the first time by a wasp a few weeks ago and had a bit of a meltdown at first about the thought of walking through the bees.
I must admit, I initially didn’t fancy walking through the intense humming either. Then my husband reminded me that I had managed to wade through masses of jellyfish when we went snorkelling in Egypt some years ago, so I knew that this was nothing in comparison plus I had been the braver one at the time! So with some persuasion and with the guiding hand of his little unfazed brother, Elliot plucked up the courage and we made our way up the field.
Our aim was to make it to a point that was more private so that we could take some photos of me in a more bump revealing outfit.
It wasn’t looking likely for a fair while but we spotted a window of opportunity and got some shots. It was quite hard work being on my feet so much and walking through the field on an incline but it was definitely worth it once we reached the top.
It’s a place we must remember to visit next year and for many more years to come.
Gorgeous pics and how very exciting! Not long to go now 🙂 x
Thanks Jess 🙂 only days now but boy are they dragging! x