Studies have shown that children typically perform better in school if their parents have an active involvement. There are several reasons why this could be the case; perhaps the support from their parents takes some of the pressure off so that they can focus on their learning, or perhaps they just want to try harder to impress you if they know you actually care. Regardless, it’s something to bear in mind throughout your child’s academic journey. You might be wondering how to be “more involved”, which is why I have teamed up with a prep school in Somerset, to offer you some guidance.
Make sure that you are always clued up on what’s going on within the school community, such as an upcoming play, charity event or parent-teacher evening. There’s likely a newsletter you can read, but you should also follow the school’s social profiles so that you can keep an eye on current affairs. If there’s anything noteworthy that pops up, add it to your family calendar so that you don’t forget. Showing that you care about your child’s schooling, not just their grades, is crucial to being more involved.
Try and help them with their homework where you can, although sometimes this can be tricky when other commitments get in the way. If you have any work emails to send or another project to work on, time is so that you are working at the same time as your child is doing their homework, so that they feel more motivated. If you do get chance to help them, don’t get too carried away and take over, as the teacher won’t be able to successfully determine your child’s progress.
Avoid putting your child under too much pressure as this can make them feel anxious. Instead, remind them regularly that you are proud of them and that you are there to support them. Teach them that putting in the effort and trying your best is more important than the grades at the end. If there are ever disappointed with a grade, remind them that they are only human and we all make mistakes, the trick is to learn from them. This approach will usually lead to better results in the long run than high expectations.
Most importantly, talk to your child on a regular basis about their experience of school. Ask them open questions about their day like “what was your favourite lesson today and why” to encourage them to open up. They might not always appreciate being nagged about school as soon as they walk out the gates, but it will show them that you are interested in their academic journey.
Nb. Collaborative post.
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