I’ve always had visions of owning a lovely home with a beautiful mantelpiece in which to hang up Christmas stockings. It’s the stuff of films isn’t it? Whilst watching Home Alone at the weekend I thought how magical it was when there were several stockings hung up by Kevin himself.
We had a lovely fireplace and mantelpiece when I was growing up but it didn’t have anywhere to fix stockings to, so they used to remain at the bottom of our beds. Now all grown up with a family of my own, there isn’t a fireplace in sight, let alone a chimney. Father Christmas will have to make his entrance some other way I guess, perhaps we’ll leave him a door key!
I want to keep this tradition going for my family as finding little gifts in your stocking first thing on Christmas morning, is what it’s all about. When I was up bright and early as a child I used to sit in my room looking through my new presents before we all used to go downstairs and open up the presents under the tree.
So I have been busy sourcing stocking fillers this year for my boys. For one big kid husband, one small child and a baby. My husband doesn’t see the point in doing a stocking this year for Baby Beastie but I feel kind of mean about leaving him out. I know he doesn’t understand it and more than likely his big brother will open his presents and try and keep them for himself, but still, I want him to be included. Each year the fillers seem to get more expensive and with three to do now, it’s no mean feat but I do really enjoy the hunt for the perfect gift.
I am desperate to do stockings “the right way” this year too ! I have the chimney but still need stockings, stuffers and hangery-doo things too.
Oh yes you need to with having a chimney. Your kids will love it 🙂 x
you should get some of those 3M hooks & stick them on your wall for your stockings …we put ours on the mantelpiece but they’re always too heavy once they’re filled with a big orange, nuts & gold coins so they have to go on the floor anyway! Have you also heard of Magic Keys…you hang them on the door handle outside & ONLY Santa has the powers to use it to open your door…magic huh? We have one as our chimney is fake! x
That’s true about them being too heavy, stockings are never light are they! Ah I love the sound of magic keys! they sound brilliant…off I go to hunt…Thanks 🙂 x