It’s a term that has fortunately become much more understood over the years. After all, once upon a time burnout was almost ignored – sometimes and incredibly, associated with conditions such as tiredness.
Now, things are changing and it’s a term that isn’t just referred to by mental health experts, but companies are taking it seriously as well. Many fully understand that this is a distinct and real possibility and will take proactive steps to ensure that their workforce doesn’t become victim to it.
However, what about everyday burnout? While it might be associated with workplace activities, it can also affect simple, home life as well.
While this can be an advanced topic, today’s post will take a look at four simple tips that you can adopt to try and reduce the risks of suffering with the condition.
Give yourself sufficient time back
Unfortunately, this is a problem that tends to affect most of us. We’re all living in a high-tech world where results are expected instantly. Suffice to say, the repercussions on your mental health can be huge.
You need to make sure that you give yourself enough time back. This means having regular breaks, and not working yourself into the ground. It also means that you should try and take some time out for yourself every day. Whether this is reading, going for a walk or just watching television, it needs to be something that helps you relax.
It’s important to give yourself things to look forward to, as well. Try to avoid getting into a ‘routine’ of downtime, and instead inject bursts of unexpected enjoyment in your life. It might be a semi-regular visit to a hidden bar, or it might even be a weekend away with friends. It’s crucial to have these bursts to look forward to.
Don’t try and do everything yourself
In the modern world, it seems that we’re all striving to be perfect. Whether it’s at work or at home, we want to be able to do everything ourselves.
However, this is an impossible task. You need to learn to delegate, and to accept help when it’s offered.
If you try and do everything, you’re only going to end up stressed and overwhelmed. This will lead to burnout, so it’s important to recognise when you need help.
Set realistic goals
This is another issue that stems from our perfectionism. We set ourselves unrealistic goals, and then get angry and frustrated when we don’t meet them.
It’s important to be realistic in your expectations. If you set yourself a goal that’s impossible to achieve, you’re only going to end up disappointed. This will lead to frustration, and potentially even depression.
Don’t be under the impression that goals affect just your working life either. If you study your home life carefully, you’ll notice all the little ones that you set yourself each and every day.
Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’
This is a difficult one for many of us, as we don’t want to let people down. However, it’s important to recognise when you need to say ‘no’.
If you’re already overwhelmed, and you’re offered more work, you need to be able to turn it down. The same goes for social invitations. If you don’t feel up to going out, don’t be afraid to say so.
It’s important to put your own needs first. If you don’t, you’re going to end up exhausted and burnt out.
Nb. Collaborative post.
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