With the UK now encountering a national lockdown within the third quarter it has highlighted that the possibilities of further lockdowns is a reality within the age of Covid.
This can have an effect on not just physical health but also mental health for people who have had to endure a lot from the first instance of lockdown in March. This is where physical fitness can play a hand at balancing the mental and physical wellbeing of people throughout this second period and beyond into any further instances where it can be a possibility.
How Covid-19 Affects Exercise Routines
With the second lockdown posing similar closures of leisure facilities, restaurants, bars and gyms, reduced activity in daily lifestyle will no doubt play a factor in physical exercise.
With a differing rule on this round that outside activities can be taken with one other individual, this results in an opportunity to work out with a partner or personal training courses Cardiff in a one to one environment.
Whilst social distancing may pose a problem to do activities in a group environment, the ability to perform fitness routines with one person dramatically increases the desire to perform as much as possible in the face of opposing factors. Even with gloomier and rainier weather sometimes becoming a deciding phase in working out and running, doing it with another person opens up a desire to brave any weather and get it underway.
This is particularly useful for those once again resigned to working from home, giving them reason to be more mobile since their sitting routines will increase.
Affecting Concerns
Dietary habits will no doubt take effect over the lockdown period with more efficient takeaway delivery and faster to eat food replacing healthier diet undertaking.
During the last lockdown more people found themselves drinking and partaking in cheat foods as a comfort whilst abandoning their daily exercise out of necessity. Most people suffered extensive weight gain and no gyms open to help remove the excess flab or love handles that quickly gained an advantage.
The limitation of being able to shop for healthy groceries, fruits and vegetables will no doubt play a huge factor as well as the ease for quick processed calorie-heavy foods and financial strain giving way to cheap fatty meal options. Added to the already surmountable list of concerns for wellbeing are feelings of fear, stress and anxiety mixing with everyday repetitive nature of boredom and isolation.
Importance of Exercise
Regular exercise is now at its most essential for people living under normal circumstances, but under the current Covid-19 pandemic there are more important factors to consider.
It’s beneficial to get into a good routine and follow exercises that you enjoy and want to achieve results with, such as the RWL fitness app, which can help spur you on by keeping track of your progress. Daily exercise boosts the immune system to fight off infections which include Covid-19 if done with moderate-intensity, which in turn burns extra calories that are put on due to dietary change. Daily exercise also eases stress and anxiety, boosting your mood whilst building an emotional resilience against stress levels. Those also suffering from smaller instances of sleep can find daily exercise enabling longer sleeping patterns which also help your immune system to function better.
Exercise can be a winning factor against Covid-19 and seasonal blues, with those looking to partner up their love of fitness into fitness instructor course, Cardiff and fitness instructor courses Plymouth which are able to provide a positive outlook for people dreading the effects of upcoming national lockdowns.
Nb. Collaborative post.
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