It has been two weeks now since I started my Thinking Slimmer journey. Where has the time gone? In a weeks time I will have completed the required twenty one days. I have honestly found it so easy to listen to the slimpod every night, seeing as it only last for ten minutes, there really is not excuse not to listen to it. Even at half past midnight at the weekend I was plugging in my earphones.
I will admit a couple of nights I have thought it won’t harm to give it a miss, with the usual excuse being it’s late. However as I have got into bed I have realised that ten minutes won’t make much difference and continued the course.
Now as for weight loss, I haven’t lost any. I am not sure the reason why, whether it is because it is not working on me or whether I am one of those people where it will take time. I strongly suspect it’s the latter, why would it be any different, it’s me! What I have noticed is that I have changed my attitude with food slightly. Nothing significant like a burning desire to crunch on raw celery or my mouth watering over the thought of broccoli for dinner, hell will freeze over before that happens. There have been more subtle changes being that I am eating less rubbish, we have biscuits to hand and yet I choose not to eat them. I also do occasionally savour the taste of what I am eating, my subconscious clearly has tapped into that nugget of information ingrained by Trevor.
What I also think is important with the slimpod is the need to keep listening to it. What keeps me focused is the fact I have come so far already and it would be a shame to let the routine slip at this point. If I don’t succeed in losing any weight then I won’t deem it ineffective. If I can change my attitude to food alone then even if I am not slimmer I will at least be Thinking Healthier. The process might take a little longer before I reap any benefits but I am by no means disheartened. I didn’t think the journey would be that straight forward, for me at least.
In seven days I will be moving onto the bonus slimpod, designed to keep the weight off and maintain the thought processes learnt. Maybe some more changes will occur throughout this week and I will have more to tell you next week…
I don't appear to have lost much actual weight either but I am getting slimmer. Its amazing how quickly your attitude to food changes. Good luck and keep it up xx
Well done on doing it every night- that is the definitely the first step I am sure. Sounds like your attitude is changing slightly! x
Lots of positive feedback on the slimpods. Well done for keeping it up everynight.
I am reading lots about these slimpods and they seem like they are really effective, half my battle is changing what I eat – where do i get one! Sounds like it is having a positive effect for you
Well done on some chnges with your thought process, I have bene doing my slimpod for about the same time but have forgot a couple of nights and think I am going to keep going with it for at least a few months, there is lots I need to change, lol
Mich x