The subject of ‘me’ time has been at the forefront of my mind lately. Well as much as it can be when I often barely have time to even think about it, let alone get it. So when I was given the chance to try out a pamper kit designed exactly for that, who was I to say no?
My idea of relaxation at the moment is to have a few moments peace and a chance to relax. I don’t really expect much, I’m a Mum and I wouldn’t expect it any other way. I adore my boys but sometimes it can all start to feel a bit too much, especially when I am under the weather or feeling really tired. Time out is crucial to anyone’s sanity.
I think back to the days before children and relaxing was something that I could do much easier and took for granted. I tried my hardest to relax before the birth of each child as I knew that life was about to become a lot busier. However, no matter how much you can plan to relax it doesn’t always work out that way.
I’m not the demanding sort or high maintenance, honestly. Give me a good book (preferably with the sun and a lounger) and nice cold drink and that is what I would say is the epitome of relaxation. Seeing as I am no where near to being in sunny climes, I shall opt for a book, bath and chocolate. Oh and not forgetting the overall ambience that only a candle can provide, bliss.
The lovely people from the Bounty website know all about what Mum’s need for their babies as well as what is needed for Mum’s themselves!
Nb. I was sent some lovely treats courtesy of Bounty to enable me to pamper myself.
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