CALPOL® app for the iPhone

I was asked if I would like to have a look at this new app that has just been launched by the makers of CALPOL®. As I am always on the look out for great apps for my iPhone that are really useful to use in my everyday life, it was inevitable that I would try this one out especially as it is free to download. Now I have another little one it means I have two little people to worry about and keep track of what I am doing. Plus having a really small person again makes me worry just that little bit more about high temperatures. It’s almost like being a first time Mum again, all those niggling anxieties are still there to resurface when I have a poorly baby.

Having a poorly child is always a worry as a parent and we all need reassurance that we are doing all we can for our little ones. I don’t think it matters whether you are a first time Mum or a seasoned Mum, we all need guidance from time to time. Also not forgetting that with our busy lifestyles, anything that will make our lives that bit easier is always welcome. This app is really simple to use and self explanatory. You simply enter the details of however many children you have and it stores their details, so that you can add data for each child. By entering their date of birth it also generates the apps automated reminder system for immunisations. So if you were to slip through the net at your GP practice and not have your reminders through then this is a really beneficial feature.



This app acts as a brilliant tool to use when your child has a temperature. One of the great features it offers is the Temperature tracker. This enables you to record your child’s temperature and then monitor it throughout the day/next few days. I think this is really useful for busy Mums who may easily forget what the temperatures may have been earlier in the day and is also handy to see at a glance the trends of the temperatures. It’s a good way to highlight when your child might have been running a temperature for a few too many days and when you might need to seek further help.

Once you have recorded your temperature and decided that CALPOL® is needed you can then record the dosage you have given and at what time you gave it. I know I don’t always note the exact time that I have given a dose when I am running around and rushed off my feet . If you can remember to input the time and dose given on this app then it will also remind you of when you can give another dose. Just a simple reminder to keep the doses regular can make all the difference to the comfort of your child when they are running a fever, it’s all too easy to forget to give that next dose when we’re so busy. Add a screaming/whinging child into the equation and the time can easily pass. For me adding the time the dose was given is simple yet genius idea and a feature I will certainly be using. As my brain becomes more sieve like by the day adding this small piece of information should make my life a little easier. I am very rarely without my iPhone and very rarely not looking at it so I have no excuse not to use this tool. It’s as easy at checking my twitter feed…

The new app has been designed so that it can be single-handedly used while a parent is holding their child, so it’s been created with busy Mums in mind. The ergonomic wheel means that it is easy to access information about ailments. I also like the crisp sound effects (it’s simple things with me).

It’s features are:

Dosage diary – Enabling you to record does given and when you to repeat, with optional timer.

Find my nearest pharmacy or hospital – Uses your location to track the nearest places

Symptom checker – Providing a range of symptoms and conditions to help you find a suitable treatment

Temperature tracker – To help monitor temperatures over the course of an illness

Soothing lullabies – 4 tunes to help soothe your baby

History – To track doses and monitor temperatures

Information on immunisation – A guide to when you should immunise your children, which includes automated immunisation reminders

The new CALPOL® app for the iPhone is free and available for download now from the App Store