Review: The Silver Cross Avia Stroller

We’ve had over eight years of using a pushchair now and we’ve tried a few in that time. The time when you use a pushchair is both a blessing and a curse. In the early days, it’s crucial for getting your precious little newborn around then it’s needed for those trips out and about when your toddler just can’t manage on their little legs for too long.

They become like an extra limb and being without them is sometimes quite literally crippling! We’ve all been there where we’ve decided that we can leave the buggy behind, only to find that you end up carrying an exhausted/stubborn child much further than you anticipated. I’ve had many a back ache from situations like that.

However, finding the right pushchair for your needs isn’t always a straight forward process. We’ve had ones that have looked aesthetically pleasing but have turned out to be absolutely terrible to use.

I know that one day, I’ll miss having somewhere to sling my bag over and that all important basket underneath where you can stuff everything! However, I won’t miss having to always look for lifts and struggling to push it places that aren’t designed for them.

We have about one more year of using pushchairs, perhaps less but it’s still very much an essential for us when we go out. Especially so when travelling anywhere.

When we attended Cornbury Festival we took the Silver Cross Avia stroller with us. See what we thought of it over on Mini Travellers

The Silver Cross Avia costs £225 and is available from

Nb. We were sent the Silver Cross Avia Stroller to review on behalf of Mini Travellers.