Good Bloggers Pay it Forward: Blog Award

I woke up this morning, earlier than I would have wanted, but pleased to see I had received an award from Liska at New Mum Online. I have known Liska since the very early days of starting out blogging (so only a few months back) and she has become a firm friend on here. I have even met her and it comes as no surprise that she is just as lovely as she appears online. She is also the ‘chief’ of MUMenTUM so is always passing on positive vibes. Here she has awarded me the tag below:

The rules are as follows:

1. Put the badge at the top of your post

2. Refer to the lovely blogger who awarded it

3. Pass it on to five others

My choices are for some of the MUMenTUM ladies (just some as there are a few of us now and Liska has covered some girls in hers). 

  1. mummy, daddy and me makes three @mummydaddyme
  2. The Crazy Kitchen @jessies_online
  3. Working London Mummy @workinglonmummy
  4. Mother’s Always Right @mothersright
  5. PR Mummy @Clairewill
So these are my chosen ladies. I wanted to get it done before I rush around like a blue arsed fly this morning trying to get everything sorted for our holiday. I can feel it starting to overwhelm me already, same old story though! I have my trusted list though…